Feb 14, 2008

St. Valentine and Ireland

photo via creative commons by Canadian Pacific
The Irish seemed to be connected to everything! St. Valentine, a resident of Rome during his lifetime, is buried in Ireland. Well, at least some of his relics are there, and we think it's the same St. Valentine from which we get Valentine's Day. After nearly 1,800 years these things get confused sometimes.

How did he get to Ireland? His relics were a gift from Pope Gregory XVI in 1836 and reside at the Carmelite Whitefriar Street Church in Dublin. You can read more here.

It's a special day there where couples come to his shrine to receive a blessing on their lives together.

Feb 12, 2008

Be Thou My Vision - Healing Angel

Celebrate with me! I just finished my first draft of CELTIC WISDOM: TREASURES FROM IRELAND, to be published by Lion-Hudson this fall. This hymn, which was originally an 8th century Irish prayer, was a major influence on this book. It so beautifully illustrates the Celtic view of Christianity.

Feb 1, 2008

Happy St. Brigid's Day!

L Fheile Bride sona daoibh!

©Cindy Thomson
Feb. 1 is St. Brigid's Day, special of course to me because I am the author of Brigid of Ireland.

There are many traditions associated with Brigid, but none so special as the cross she wove to explain Jesus' sacrifice on the cross.

Here's an article on How to Weave a Saint Brigid Cross.

Did you know there is a band called Brigid's Cross? Visit them here. They are from Ohio. I just wonder how they got in that tree!

What's your favorite thing about St. Brigid? Let me know!