May 20, 2011


As an author, I'm always looking for inspiration. It's not really that hard to find, but it shows up in all kinds of places. Obviously, the beauty of Ireland and the faith of the ancient Irish inspire my writing. These things also uplift my soul and bring me to a place of worship.

I'm homesick for Ireland. Terribly. There is nothing wrong with wanting to go back to a place you visited and enjoyed, but I think this is magnified for me because of the emotional upheaval I was in while I was there.

My dad was very sick when I left for Ireland and passed away a few days before I got back. I knew he was going to die while I was in Ireland. I don't know how you feel about "conversations with God" but truly I had one when I was on the plane. In any case, I did know my dad was going to a better place without suffering. I just dreaded it and I carried that with me while I was in Ireland.

That's why I want to go back. I'm not saying I did not enjoy myself while I was there or that I didn't learn things and be inspired. Not at all. I just need to go back now. Know what I mean?

I saw this rainbow on Oct. 17 in Ireland, the day and hour my dad passed away back home.

Oops! I got off course there a minute! My point is that images of Ireland are what inspire me these days. And before I went to Ireland it was books and writings about Ireland and the ancient Irish Christians that inspired me the most. I still find it all inspiring, but images bring me back the most, I think.

That's why I ordered this this morning. I wanted to share it with you in case you feel the same way. (I fully expect the music and words to inspire me as well!)

What inspires you? Please share! I have more to learn!
PS: I'm off to a Celtic festival tomorrow. I'll report on Monday!

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